Visitors 80
14 photos

2024.12.20. Commencement at the Cassell Coliseum.2024.12.19. Reflections of an early morning sun on the facade of the Burruss Hall2024.12.09. December sunset on the Drillfield.2024.12.08. Sunrise at the War Memorial Chapel.2024.10.27. Fall COLORS at the War Memorial.2024.10.15. Fall sunrise at the Duck Pond.2024.08.24. The New Cadets Pass-in-Review on the Drillfield on t2024.08.11. Summer morning at the War Memorial.2024.07.20. Summer sunset at Lane Hall.2023.10.26. Lane Stadium view from a helicopter2022.11.02. November sunrise at the Duck Pond.2022.09.29. Sunset on the Drillfield, Virginia Tech, Campus.2018.03.25. Spring snow at the Duck Pond.2016.09.27. Lane Stadium in twilight hour.